Welcome to the OnlyMagfedGames.com website terms and conditions for use
These terms and conditions apply to the use of this Website and by accessing this Website and/or placing an order you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you may not use or access this Website.
Before you place an order, if you have any questions relating to these terms and conditions, please contact a member of our team by email.
These terms and conditions will apply to all orders for Products.
OMG Events refund policy
Refunds are only considered on major cancellation, material alteration or by special exception determined by OMG Events in its sole discretion.
For the purposes of these T&Cs: ‘major cancellation’ is the cancellation of the Event in full (and not rescheduled). If only one or more days (but not all days) of the Event are cancelled, you may only be offered a proportionate partial refund; ‘material alteration’ is a change (other than a rescheduling) which, in OMG’s opinion, makes the Event materially different to the event that ticket purchasers, taken generally, could reasonably expect. In particular, please note that the following are not deemed to be ‘material alterations’: changes to the daily schedule of the event; adverse weather conditions; changes to faction leaders; curtailment of the event where the majority of the event is played; and delays to starting the event; and ‘special exception’ is an exception determined by OMG Events in its sole discretion.
A minimum of the proportionate amount of the face value of the ticket will be refunded